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An Exclusive Cocktail Recipe from Tuscany Now & More, to Enjoy World Cocktail Day, 13th May 2020

Discover a refreshing and summery twist on the classic Negroni, with Tuscany Now & More’s latest cocktail.

James Bond Style Villas with Tuscany Now & More

Boasting aw-inspiring panoramas, secret hideouts from Bond villains, and steamy saunas, these Tuscany Now & More villas allow guests to experience the glamorous life of 007.

Renaissance by Julian Biondi from Tuscany Now & More

Discover Renaissance, a refreshing and summery twist on a classic Negroni – the traditional cocktail of Biondi’s home town.

Tuscany: Book recommendations from Jasmine Boni-Ball, Tuscany Now & More

Escape to the Italian Countryside with Jasmine’s favourite, ’Under the Tuscan Sun’ by Frances Mayes

Go to cookery school with Tuscany Now & More

Hotels and experts worldwide are streaming virtual cooking classes, wine tastings, and more. Discover the cuisine of Italy with Tuscany Now & More.

How to Celebrate World Cocktail Day – Cocktail Recipes with Tuscany Now & More

Celebrate World Cocktail Day with Tuscany Now & More, and discover their exclusive cocktail, Renaissance, created by Julian Biondi.

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