News & Press

5 new villas Inspiring Italian Escapes

The Arts Shelf shines a spotlight on five recent additions to the TN&M portfolio: Bellaria, Ciclopica, Podere Nuccioli, Segreto Gelsomino and Villa Albizi.

Grandoise Rentable European Chateaux featuring Villa Zambonina

"Villa Zambonina is a magnificent 17th-century Palladian villa set on a farming estate near the splendid city of Verona" — and chosen as one of The Sybarite's grandiose European châteaux available for rent

In London Fashion shoot at villa Dasya

Stylist Thea Lewis-Yates and photographer Kate Davis-Macleod visit Villa Dasya for a photoshoot with model Marta Del Cario.

Spini Bianchi appears in the best seaside villas for 2017

With its infinity pool, tennis courts and cliffside location, TN&M's Spini Bianchi made The Independent's choice for 2017's best seaside villas anywhere in the world.

A Tuscan Treasure Hunt at The Estate of Petroio with Tom Aikins

Writing for Velocity, CityJet's inflight magazine, journalist Tim Heap forages for truffles and hunts wild boar on a stay at TN&M's Borgo di Petroio.

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